A Mailing List of First-Time Homeowners

Individuals who have recently purchased a first home in the U.S.

The first-time homeowners on this list are perfect candidates for a wide range of offers for products and services associated with moving, remodeling, decorating, home and yard maintenance, and financial services. Marigold's First-Time Homeowners file provides access to individuals throughout the U.S. who have recently bought a first home. Inquire about selects including age of children, credit card buyers, marital status, and more.


Age Of Children+ $5.00/M
Computer Owner+ $5.00/M
Credit Card Buyers+ $5.00/M
Donor+ $5.00/M
Ethnicity+ $5.00/M
Lifestyle Select+ $5.00/M
Marital Status+ $5.00/M
SCF+ $5.00/M
State+ $5.00/M
Zip+ $5.00/M

ID Numbers

NextMark ID: 240894
mIn ID: 129110
SRDS ID: 880633-000

List Information

Total Count:563,772
Base Price:$100/M
Minimum Purchase:$500

List Types Available

Postal Mail

List Maintenance

New to market01/16/2007
Update frequencyMonthly

Addressing Options

Mailing Labels$10/

Delivery Options

Email Delivery $50/F



NameBen  DeLisle
RoleList Manager
Phone(646) 442-2077
Fax(888) 761-8817

Are you interested in marketing to a specific subset, demographic, or geographic area of this list? Request a count for the segment you are looking for and we will respond promptly and professionally with the count that matches your exact criteria.