Political Marketing

What can Marigold Direct do for you?

Marigold Direct can assist your Campaign Manager, Political Consultant, and marketing team by providing targeted political data for postal, telemarketing and/or email campaigns. Additionally, we specialize in customizing digital marketing campaigns utilizing display and video ads across Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms as well as numerous tier 1, 2 and 3 websites like CNN, Fox News, ESPN, etc.

What about Segmentation?

Marigold Direct’s targeted political data may be selected by party affiliation, donors, gender, ethnicity, age, income, religious affiliation, presence of children, as well as numerous lifestyle and social interests.

Why Marigold Direct?

We know our competitors and understand their product offerings and level of service. With a highly responsive and creative data team, more comprehensive political database, and at lower costs, Marigold Direct is the right choice! Allow us to help you gain the marketing edge in your campaign today!

Download More Information

Download our Marigold Direct Political Marketing information sheet.

Have questions? Contact us to learn more.