SIC Code 2011 - Meat Packing Plants Mailing List

There are 1562 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2011: Meat Packing Plants.

Equivalent NAICS Code 311611.

Establishments primarily engaged in the slaughtering, for their own account or on a contract basis for the trade, of cattle, hogs, sheep, lambs, and calves for meat to be sold or to be used on the same premises in canning, cooking, curing, and freezing, and in making sausage, lard, and other products. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering horses for human consumption. Establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering, dressing, and packing poultry, rabbits, and other small game are classified in Industry 2015; and those primarily engaged in slaughtering and processing animals not for human consumption are classified in Industry 2048. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing sausages and meat specialties from purchased meats are classified in Industry 2013; and establishments primarily engaged in canning meat for baby food are classified in Industry 2032.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2011Meat Packing Plants1,562
SIC 201101Beef Products, From Beef Slaughtered On Site117
SIC 201102Pork Products, From Pork Slaughtered On Site71
SIC 201103Lamb Products, From Lamb Slaughtered On Site14
SIC 201104Meat By-products, From Meat Slaughtered On Site29


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