SIC Code 2211 - Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton Mailing List

There are 236 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2211: Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton.

Equivalent NAICS Code 313210.

Establishments primarily engaged in weaving fabrics more than 12 inches (30.48 centimeters) in width, wholly or chiefly by weight of cotton. Establishments primarily engaged in weaving or tufting carpet and rugs are classified in Industry 2273; those making tire cord and fabrics are classified in Industry 2296; and those engaged in finishing cotton broadwoven fabrics are classified in Industry 2261.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2211Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton236
SIC 221101Sheets, Bedding And Table Cloths: Cotton55
SIC 221102Apparel And Outerwear Fabrics, Cotton163
SIC 221103Towels, Dishcloths And Washcloths: Cotton10
SIC 221104Plushes And Piles, Broadwoven Cotton: Including Fl2
SIC 221105Twills, Drills, Denims And Other Ribbed Fabrics: C5
SIC 221106Upholstery, Tapestry And Wall Coverings: Cotton37
SIC 221107Nets And Netting Products And Fabrics, Cotton9
SIC 221108Sheers And Other Thin, Lightweight Fabrics: Cotton1
SIC 221109Bandages, Gauzes And Surgical Fabrics, Cotton7
SIC 221111Canvas And Other Heavy, Coarse Fabrics: Cotton16
SIC 221112Decorative Trim And Specialty Fabrics, Including T34


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