SIC Code 2491 - Wood Preserving Mailing List

There are 285 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2491: Wood Preserving.

Equivalent NAICS Code 321114.

Establishments primarily engaged in treating wood, sawed or planed in other establishments, with creosote or other preservatives to prevent decay and to protect against fire and insects. This industry also includes the cutting, treating, and selling of poles, posts, and piling, but establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing other wood products, which they may also treat with preservatives, are not included.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2491Wood Preserving285
SIC 249101Poles, Posts And Pilings: Treated Wood28
SIC 249102Bridges And Trestles, Treated Wood3


Marigold Direct can provide you with a Mailing List of Owners and Executives in the Wood Preserving Industry. Contact us for more information.

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