SIC Code 2541 - Wood Partitions And Fixtures Mailing List

There are 282 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2541: Wood Partitions And Fixtures.

Equivalent NAICS Code 337110.

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing shelving, lockers, and office and store fixtures, plastics laminated fixture tops, and related fabricated products, chiefly of wood. Prefabricated partitions are included in this industry if designed to be attached to the floor and are classified in Industry 2521 if designed to be free-standing or part of an office furniture panel system. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing refrigerated cabinets, showcases, and display cases are classified in Industry 3585.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2541Wood Partitions And Fixtures282
SIC 254101Store And Office Display Cases And Fixtures189
SIC 254102Cabinets, Lockers, And Shelving242
SIC 254103Counter And Sink Tops432


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