SIC Code 2611 - Pulp Mills Mailing List

There are 165 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 2611: Pulp Mills.

Equivalent NAICS Code 322110.

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pulp from wood or from other materials, such as rags, linters, wastepaper, and straw. Establishments engaged in integrated logging and pulp mill operations are classified according to the primary products shipped. Establishments engaged in integrated operations of producing pulp and manufacturing paper, paperboard, or products thereof are classified in Industry 2621 if primarily shipping paper or paper products; in Industry 2631 if primarily shipping paperboard or paperboard products; and in Industry 2611 if primarily shipping pulp. Establishments primarily engaged in cutting pulpwood are classified in Industry 2411.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 2611Pulp Mills165
SIC 261101Pulp Mills, Chemical And Semichemical Processing10
SIC 261102Pulp Mills, Dissolving Pulp Processing6
SIC 261103Pulp Mills, Mechanical And Recycling Processing60


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