SIC Code 308902 - Plastics Kitchenware, Tableware, And Houseware Mailing List

There are 138 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 308902: Plastics Kitchenware, Tableware, And Houseware.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 308902Plastics Kitchenware, Tableware, And Houseware138
SIC 30890201Bottle Caps, Molded Plastics23
SIC 30890202Bowl Covers, Plastics5
SIC 30890203Caps, Plastics34
SIC 30890205Clothes Hangers, Plastics25
SIC 30890207Cups, Plastics, Except Foam31
SIC 30890208Dishes, Plastics, Except Foam8
SIC 30890209Flower Pots, Plastics17
SIC 3089021Holders: Paper Towel, Grocery Bag, Etc.: Plastics10
SIC 30890211Kitchenware, Plastics31
SIC 30890212Lamp Bases And Shades, Plastics12
SIC 30890214Plates, Plastics11
SIC 30890216Tableware, Plastics14
SIC 30890217Tissue Dispensers, Plastics5
SIC 30890218Tops: Dispenser, Shaker, Etc.: Plastics9
SIC 30890219Trays, Plastics44
SIC 3089022Tumblers, Plastics2


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