SIC Code 3634 - Electric Housewares And Fans Mailing List

There are 81 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 3634: Electric Housewares And Fans.

Equivalent NAICS Code 333414.

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electric housewares for heating, cooking, and other purposes; and electric household fans, except attic fans. Important products of this industry include household-type ventilation and exhaust fans; portable household cooking appliances, except convection and microwave ovens; electric space heaters; electrically heated bedcoverings, electric scissors; and portable humidifiers and dehumidifiers. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing attic fans and industrial and commercial exhaust and ventilation fans are classified in Industry 3564; and those manufacturing room air-conditioners and humidifying and dehumidifying equipment, except portable, are classified in Industry 3585.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 3634Electric Housewares And Fans81
SIC 363401Electric Household Cooking Appliances32
SIC 363402Electric Household Cooking Utensils3
SIC 363403Electric Household Fans, Heaters, And Humidifiers15
SIC 363404Housewares, Excluding Cooking Appliances And Utens40
SIC 363405Personal Electrical Appliances31


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