SIC Code 3648 - Lighting Equipment, Nec Mailing List

There are 603 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 3648: Lighting Equipment, Nec.

Equivalent NAICS Code 335129.

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing lighting fixtures and equipment, electric and nonelectric, not elsewhere classified, including flashlights and similar portable lamps, searchlights, ultraviolet lamp fixtures, and infrared lamp fixtures. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electric light bulbs, tubes, and related light sources are classified in Industry 3641; those producing glassware for lighting fixtures are classified in Major Group 32; and those manufacturing traffic signals are classified in Industry 3669.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 3648Lighting Equipment, Nec603
SIC 364801Outdoor Lighting Equipment88
SIC 364802Stage Lighting Equipment80


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