SIC Code 37 - Transportation Equipment Mailing List

There are 9920 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 37: Transportation Equipment.

This major group includes establishments engaged in manufacturing equipment for transportation of passengers and cargo by land, air, and water. Important products produced by establishments classified in this major group include motor vehicles, aircraft, guided missiles and space vehicles, ships, boats, railroad equipment, and miscellaneous transportation equipment, such as motorcycles, bicycles, and snowmobiles. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing mobile homes are classified in Industry 2451. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing equipment used for moving materials on farms; in mines and on construction sites; in individual plants; in airports; or on other locations off the highway are classified in Major Group 35.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 37Transportation Equipment9,920
SIC 371Motor Vehicles And Motor Vehicle Equipment3,738
SIC 372Aircraft And Parts2,796
SIC 373Ship And Boat Building And Repairing2,315
SIC 374Railroad Equipment172
SIC 375Motorcycles, Bicycles, And Parts313
SIC 376Guided Missiles And Space Vehicles And Parts155
SIC 379Miscellaneous Transportation Equipment431


Marigold Direct can provide you with a Mailing List of Owners and Executives in the Transportation Equipment Industry. Contact us for more information.

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