SIC Code 4513 - Air Courier Services Mailing List

There are 840 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 4513: Air Courier Services.

Equivalent NAICS Code 492110.

Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing air delivery of individually addressed letters, parcels, and packages (generally under 100 pounds), except by the U.S. Postal Service. While these establishments deliver letters, parcels, and packages by air, the initial pick-up and the final delivery are often made by other modes of transportation, such as by truck, bicycle, or motorcycle. Separate establishments of air courier companies engaged in providing pick-up and delivery only; "drop-off points"; or distribution centers are all classified in this industry. Establishments of the U.S. Postal Service are classified in Industry 4311; and establishments furnishing delivery of individually addressed letters, parcels, or packages (generally under 100 pounds) other than by air are classified in Industry 4215. Establishments primarily engaged in undertaking the transportation of goods from shippers to receivers for charges covering the entire transportation, but making use of other transportation establishments to effect the entire delivery, are classified in Industry 4731.

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SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 4513Air Courier Services840


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