SIC Code 7218 - Industrial Launderers Mailing List

There are 515 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 7218: Industrial Launderers.

Equivalent NAICS Code 812332.

Establishments primarily engaged in supplying laundered or drycleaned industrial work uniforms and related work clothing, such as protective apparel (flame and heat resistant) and clean room apparel; laundered mats and rugs; dust control items, such as treated mops, rugs, mats, dust tool covers, and cloths; laundered wiping towels; and other selected items to industrial, commercial, and government users. These items may belong to the industrial launderer and be supplied to users on a rental basis, or they may be the customers' own goods. Establishments included in this industry may or may not operate their own laundry or drycleaning facilities.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 7218Industrial Launderers515
SIC 721801Industrial Equipment Launderers23
SIC 721802Industrial Clothing Launderers45


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