SIC Code 7373 - Computer Integrated Systems Design Mailing List

There are 9405 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 7373: Computer Integrated Systems Design.

Equivalent NAICS Code 541512.

Establishments primarily engaged in developing or modifying computer software and packaging or bundling the software with purchased computer hardware (computers and computer peripheral equipment) to create and market an integrated system for specific application. Establishments in this industry must provide each of the following services: (1) the development or modification of the computer software; (2) the marketing of purchased computer hardware; and (3) involvement in all phases of systems development from design through installation. Establishments primarily engaged in selling computer hardware are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5045, and Retail Trade, Industry 5734; and those manufacturing computers and computer peripheral equipment are classified in Manufacturing, Industry Group 357.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 7373Computer Integrated Systems Design9,405
SIC 737301Systems Software Development Services2,895
SIC 737302Systems Integration Services2,210
SIC 737303Computer System Selling Services400
SIC 737304Computer-aided System Services313


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