SIC Code 801105 - Specialized Medical Practitioners, Except Internal Mailing List

There are 3246 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 801105: Specialized Medical Practitioners, Except Internal.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

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SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 801105Specialized Medical Practitioners, Except Internal3,246
SIC 80110501Allergist1,774
SIC 80110502Anesthesiologist2,247
SIC 80110503Dermatologist4,751
SIC 80110504Diabetes Specialist, Physician/surgeon257
SIC 80110505Ears, Nose, And Throat Specialist: Physician/surge2,652
SIC 80110506Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Throat Specialist: Physician1,267
SIC 80110507Geriatric Specialist, Physician/surgeon298
SIC 80110508Gynecologist6,058
SIC 80110509Immunologist64
SIC 8011051Infectious Disease Specialist, Physician/surgeon405
SIC 80110511Obstetrician3,298
SIC 80110512Oculist53
SIC 80110513Opthalmologist6,704
SIC 80110514Orthopedic Physician7,044
SIC 80110515Pathologist676
SIC 80110516Pediatrician9,689
SIC 80110517Plastic Surgeon3,233
SIC 80110518Proctologist187
SIC 80110519Radiologist3,872
SIC 8011052Rheumatology Specialist, Physician/surgeon716
SIC 80110521Sports Medicine Specialist, Physician682
SIC 80110522Thoracic Physician208
SIC 80110523Urologist3,525
SIC 80110524Fertility Specialist, Physician368


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