SIC Code 8641 - Civic And Social Associations Mailing List

There are 16023 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 8641: Civic And Social Associations.

Equivalent NAICS Code 813319.

Membership organizations engaged in civic, social, or fraternal activities. Membership sports and recreation clubs are classified in Industry Group 799, and insurance offices maintained by fraternal organizations are classified in Insurance, Major Group 63. Homeowner, tenant, and condominium associations primarily engaged in managing real estate are classified in Real Estate, Industry 6531.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 8641Civic And Social Associations16,023
SIC 864101Civic Associations8,541
SIC 864102Fraternal Associations10,422
SIC 864103Youth Organizations4,540
SIC 864104Social Associations1,705
SIC 864105Dwelling-related Associations724


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