SIC Code 9311 - Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy Mailing List

There are 2124 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 9311: Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy.

Equivalent NAICS Code 921130.

Government establishments primarily engaged in financial administration and taxation including monetary policy; tax administration; collection, custody and disbursement of funds; debt and investment administration; government employee retirement and other trust funds; and the like. Income maintenance program administration is classified in Industry 9441. Government establishments primarily engaged in regulation of insurance and banking institutions are classified in Industry 9651.

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We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 9311Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy2,124
SIC 931101Taxation214
SIC 931102Public Finance And Monetary Policy378
SIC 931104Finance, Taxation, And Monetary Policy, Level Of G6


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