SIC Code 9621 - Regulation, Administration Of Transportation Mailing List

There are 4685 records in our business mailing list for SIC code 9621: Regulation, Administration Of Transportation.

Equivalent NAICS Code 488111.

Government establishments primarily engaged in regulation, licensing, planning, inspection and investigation of transportation services and facilities. Motor vehicle and operator licensing is classified here. Establishments of the Coast Guard that perform functions related to the regulation, administration and operation of transportation are included here. Also included in this industry are civilian government air traffic control and aircraft inspection establishments. Parking authorities are classified here, but the operators of lots and garages are classified in Services, Industry 7521. Operators of railroads, subways, depots, ports, toll roads and bridges, and other transportation facilities are classified in Transportation and Public Utilities, Division E. Highway construction and maintenance are classified in Construction, Industry 1611. Military establishments primarily engaged in air traffic control operations are classified in Industry 9711 and private establishments engaged in air traffic control operations are classified in Transportation and Public Utilities, Industry 4581.

Click on an SIC code to view counts and sub-categories, search for a code or keyword using the text boxes below, or browse an alphabetical list of SIC codes.

We also provide NAICS mailing lists.

SIC CodeDescriptionCount
SIC 9621Regulation, Administration Of Transportation4,685
SIC 962101Aircraft Regulating Agencies56
SIC 962102Licensing Agencies378
SIC 962103Water Vessels And Port Regulating Agencies83
SIC 962104Regulation, Administration Of Transportation, Leve9


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