Direct mail: Targeting the right business customers

Moving from business-to-consumer (B2C) direct mail marketing into business-to-business (B2B) direct mail means entering a new, exciting, and highly complex world. One of the keys to getting the response you want in this busy environment is targeting your message to the right people.

When sending to a B2C list, you know your offer goes directly to the mailbox of the person you want to respond — or at least gets into their household. When mailing B2B, it’s much trickier. It is crucial to select lists that reach individuals at the right place in the organization. In some cases, you want to reach someone in an information-gathering role (such as a training director or purchasing agent). In other cases, you want to target the individual in the organization who’ll benefit from your product or service and will go on to advocate for it with decisionmakers.

In selecting B2B lists, make sure they’re as up-to-date as possible. Rapid turnover in many organizations, and the relative difficulty in validating businesses addresses for individuals, makes targeting the right person one of the biggest challenges in B2B direct mail. Fresh data can make a significant difference in campaign response.
In addition to providing clients with access to the direct mail industry’s richest business lists and databases, Marigold assembles proprietary business mailing lists with the maximum accuracy and freshness. Contact us to learn more about our capabilities for refining lists, testing list segments, and measuring response rates to identify the ideal market for your B2B campaign.

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